Swimming + COVID

elementary age swimmer at Eisenhower pool

Our team takes the COVID guidelines and the safety of our athletes very seriously. As such, Swimmers and coaches are asked to take their temperature before they leave home for practice. Any swimmer experiencing any symptoms of illness should remain at home and seek medical treatment.

At practice, we require all  swimmers to wear masks and observe social distancing when entering and exiting the building. When possible, we do our dryland portion of practice outdoors. During practice, when masks are not possible, swimmers will observe social distancing. When sharing lanes, we space our swimmers out at opposite ends of the pool. All coaches wear masks while inside the facility. 

According to IDPH, swimming falls in the lowest risk category (https://www.dph.illinois.gov/covid19/community-guidance/sports-safety-guidance).

Currently, our team is not participating in any meets. Intersquad meets or smaller scale meets are a future possibility. 

Kids need their teammates now more than ever. We are so thankful for the ability to be in the water and spend time building better swimmers and kids.


Practice Schedule 10/12-10/18


Practice Schedule 10/5-10/11